The Hidden Beauty Of Pengilon Hill, Gunung Kidul

Pengilon Hill

Gunung Kidul is indeed famous for its beautiful beaches. But do you know that there is very beautiful hill in Gunung Kidul?

Pengilon Hill is located in Ngelo, Balong Village, Girisubo District, Gunungkidul Regency. To get Pengilon Hill, there are only two choices. First is passing Balong Village. And the second is by walking from Siung Beach. 

I choose to pass the Siung Beach. I parked my vehicle on the siung beach. Then I walked to the east of the hill on the siung beach. 

When climbing the hill on the Siung beach, we will pass the stairs with a road bordered by a bamboo fence. The bamboo fence is used for visitors. so they will not fall into the ravine. After going up the hill, I saw several stalls and camp areas.

Then after 500m walking, I arrived at Banyu Tibo Beach. Banyutibo Beach is a beach full of coral. There are large corals on the lips of the beach making this beach impossible or dangerous if used to play water. This beach is more suitable for hobbyists fishing. The waterfall, also called Banyu Tibo Waterfall, flows very fast towards the beach. Banyutibo Beach is very beautiful because the water looks blue with a little turquoise.

After that it takes about 10-15 minutes to arrive in Penggilon Hill. Pengilon Hill is a little overgrown with plants. The average in Pengilon Hill is a stretch of green grass.


Retribution Details
- TPR Siung Beach: IDR 5,000 / person
- Siung Beach Parking: Rp. 3,000 Vehicle, Car Rp. 10,000
- Retribution from Siung Hill Beach: Rp. 2,000 / person
- TPR Banyutibo Beach: IDR 2,000 / person
- TPR Pengilon Hill: Rp 2,000 / person

Photo : Source by google
